Curcuma (Haridra)
Botanical name: Curcuma longa
Common names: Curcuma, Turmeric, Haridra
Family: Zingiberaceae
English name: Curcuma
Usable plant substances: rhizome
Curcuma belongs to the ginger family. This perrenial plant originally comes from India and forms branched, fleshy, aromatic rhizomes, on which tubers can be found.
In India the use of Curcuma is on record for more than 4.000 years. In Ayurveda, the Traditional Indian Medicine, it is counted among the „hot“ medicinal plants, which are said to have a cleansing and energizing effect. It is traditionally used for example against rheumatic diseases, but also for digestional disorders.
The yellow pigments contained in some Curcuma-species, most notably Curcumin, show anti-carcinogenic, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects. The medicinally potent substance in Turmeric (Curcuma) is the so-called Curcumin, a secondary plant substance (Phytochemical), which has already shown various healthy effects in scientific studies.
Strong antioxidant, lowering of Histamine-level, support of gall, liver and digestion, intestine, joint pains, respiratory diseases, Arteriosclerosis, high Cholesterol level
Curcumin is a substance with strong antioxidative effect. Antioxidant can eliminate so-called free radicals, substances, which are formed due to an unbalanced diet or stress and damage cells. Curcumin can lower the histamine-level and thereby curb inflammations. An increased histamine-level is also present in case of allergic reactions.
Moreover, curcumin contains bitter substances, which aid gall production. Thereby the digestion of fat becomes easier and the liver is exonerated.
In a double-blind study it was shown that Curcumin can also be helpful for people with digestional disorders. A study with Curcuma suggests that Curcuma can reduce intestinal polyps and prevent intestinal cancer. In patients with hereditary Adenomatose Polyposis the number of polyps was reduced by the intake of Curcumin by 60 percent. This hereditary disease causes the formation of hundreds of polyps in the intestine. If untreated intestinal cancer will develop. The size of the remaining intestinal polyps was reduced on average by 50 percent as reported by US-scientists in the online journal „Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology“.
Studies on patients with rheumatic Arthritis could prove that Curcuma can reduce joint inflammations and symptoms such as stiffness and joint pains.
According to the most recent findings of scientists in the USA and Canada the Curcumin contained in Curcuma helps to gain control of the severe hereditary lung ailment Mucoviszidose (zystic Fibrosis) in mice. The results of this study was published in the scientific journal „Science“ (Vol. 304, p. 600).
Additionaly Curcumin has blood-thinning effects which prevent Thrombosis (blood-clotting). This way the risk of Arteriosclerosis (sediments in arteries which can result in heart attacks) can be reduced. According to the findings of a Chinese study Curcuma is able to reduce the blood-Cholesterol-level. Increased Cholesterol levels are seen as risk factors for the development of Cholesterol-sediments in arteries and therefore one of the reasons for the development of Arteriosclerosis and heart-attack.
From Finnish studies Curcuma is known as a promising substance against liverdamage due to alcohol and for prevention of Glaucoma. In animal tests Curcumin also slowed the growth of prostata and breast cancer tumors. Also animal tests have shown that Curcumin has anti-cancerogenic properties and curbs tumor growth.
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In Traditional Indonesian Medicine Curcuma is used as the main ingredient of Jamu, the traditional Indonesian medicine against a multitude of diseases, for general strengthening of the immune system as well as for prevention of infections and diseases of the respiratory tract. In this context an increased tendency for hemorrhages is reported in connection with higher dosages.
in Germany the “Gelbwurzel” was added as Rhizoma Curcumae to the additional volume 5 as an herbal drug in 1930. In the revised edition 10 it is listed as Curcumae Longae Rhizoma.
This information is based on various publications for the accuracy of which we do not take liability. Further this information should not be used for the treatment of diseases. If you are using other medicine or are in medical treatment, you should consult your doctor before taking any vital substances or dietary supplements.
Application with children should in any case be coordinated with your doctor because most of the studies were conducted with adults and intake recommendations for children are generally not known.
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