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Dear Ayurveda lovers,

Soft alternatives and holistic treatments enjoy a great popularity which never had been.

Justifiably to this: out of own experiences and experienced naturopathic therapists confirm, over centuries preserved holistic natural medicine and ayurvedic plants medicine.

Since generations more than 1200 Indian plants had been used for medicinal purposes.

These “secondary plants” substances (phytochemicals) and Polyphenole rich in ayurvedic plants and herbs experience in the medical research and the public cause a great attentiveness now.

In the past years these experiences could be confirmed through modern science. Several studies reveal until then unacquainted and often surprising effects of these medicinal plants.

Some examples:

Reducing the Blood pressure with Forskolin

Also through studies it could be proved, that the substance Forskolin, content in the Indian native medicinal plants Coleus forskohlii (Indian Coleus), can reduce high blood pressure and helps in the case of glaucoma.

Get more about Forskolin here...

Essence of the Turmeric plants to blockade Cancer cells

The effect of the Indian medicinal plant Turmeric (Curcuma longa) was tested in a clinical study on the following types of cancer: lungs, abdominal, skin and Prostate cancer.

In all these studies show: the containing natural substance Curcumin caused to decline the spreading of the Tumor and cared to the reversing. These will therefore redirecting, that Curcumin can ignite the sudden elimination of the cell in the Tumor cells. The effectiveness shows also in Cystic Fibrosis and likewise Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Get more about Turmeric here...

Supporting and improving the memory and efficiency of remembering through Brahmi  

Since 1951 the leading research Institute of India (CDRI) has done an elaborate research on the Brahmi plant and its contents and effective substances.

In this concern among the other, two active molecules from the Brahmi plant were isolated and their chemical structures could be identified, which can support and improve the memory efficiency.

Get more about Brahmi here...

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